
Environmental Equipment
Dust Collectors

Compact Pulse-Jet Series ( CFM )

A low noise and compact design pulse-jet type dust collector. Volume has been reduced by approximately 20% compared to our previous model.
It uses a chrysanthemum-shaped filter that boosts dust collection efficiency. The cassette system makes filter replacement simple.
Powered by our own high-performance turbo type blower that was developing using advanced fluid engineering and all our expertise as a comprehensive blower manufacturer. At the same motor capacity, blower efficiency is increased to 72%.
For details, see our online catalog.
Online Catalog

Online Catalog

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※ The performance curve diagram may have an error range of approximately -5% to +10%.
Installation Examples
1. Compact
We have achieved a compact design thanks to an innovative arrangement of the dust-dislodging parts.
Capacity: Approximately 20% smaller than our previous model.
2. Low noise
We have been able to dramatically reduce noise levels with a new sound-proofing construction.
1.5kW ... Noise level 62dB (A)
2.2kW ... Noise level 68dB (A)
3.7kW ... Noise level 68dB (A)
5.5kW ... Noise level 71dB (A)
3. Pulse-jet shaking
Brief blasts of compressed air are directed against the back surface of the filter for a backflow cleaning effect that dislodges dust from the filter front side. This is ideal for long operation times or when dust density is high.
4. Proprietary chrysanthemum-shaped filter
The model uses a chrysanthemum-shaped filter that boosts dust collection efficiency. Plus, the cassette system makes filter replacement simple.
5. High-performance turbo type blower improves efficiency
Powered by our own high-performance turbo type blower that was developing using advanced fluid engineering and all our expertise as a comprehensive blower manufacturer. At the same motor capacity, blower efficiency is increased to 72%.
1. Cutting / Grinding / Polishing / Drilling / Sanding / Buffing / Sandblasting / Powder processing (feeding, mixing, stirring, bagging, weighing, sealing, etc.) / Other localized dust removal jobs
2. Machine tools / Industrial machinery / Specialized machinery / Powder processing equipment / Steelmaking / Ceramic industry equipment, etc.
Suitable for applications other than those listed above. Please feel free to let us know your own requirements.
Swype Swype
Model CFM-H10 CFM-H20 CFM-H30 CFM-H40
Motors (kW-p) 1.5 - 2 2.2 - 2 3.7 - 2 5.5 - 2
Voltage (V) 200 200 200 200
Phases Three phase Three phase Three phase Three phase
Airflow (m3/min) 20 30 40 60
Static Pressure (kPa) 50Hz 2.06 2.45 2.45 2.65
Filter surface area (m2) 10.4 15.6 23.4 31.2
Dust Chamber Capacity (ℓ/min) 29 42 32 × 2 65 × 2
Noise at Front
1m dB (A)
62 68 68 71
Approximate Weight (Kg) 180 222 286 408
Model -
Motors (kW-p) -
Phases -
Airflow (m3/min) -
Static Pressure (kPa) 50Hz -
Filter surface area (m2) -
Noise (dB(A)) -
Weight (Kg) -
We offer a wide array of options so you can optimize your setup.
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